Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

English Fun

Hi, this is a tense wrapped up into just one small picture I made. Last year I used it for teaching at grade X of SMAN 7 Depok. I used a very simple sentence that often used that is “I go” as the basic sentence.

Please take a look at it, and please give any feedback

Senin, 17 September 2012


Today as I was working on my students’ writing assignment, I found out several writings that were quite good. As I was curious on how they made it, I checked some phrases on their writing throughout the internet by typing several keywords in Google search engine, and I was dazed that their writing was exactly the same as contents from some blogs and websites. I felt really annoyed and sad at the same time since the students were still in high school, what would happen in the future then if this continues? I was wondering….
I think there are several reasons why plagiarism happens. One of them is lack of self confidence. When someone doesn’t have to courage or confidence to do something, they tend to step back, defense their self with whatever needed to make themselves feel save. The other thing that makes people do plagiarism is because of lack of knowledge. It’s clear that when we don’t have knowledge of something we will feel inferior and to overcome that people will just take everything they find then claim it as theirs. 
Plagiarism happens mostly in educational institutions. Start from High schools even up to university both students and teachers/ lectures do plagiarism. It happens could be because they don’t put the real resources because they forget or they in the first place have the willingness to do so. Recent plagiarism happened in one of Islamic University in Jakarta that one of the lecture claimed his student mini thesis research as his then published it. Now the case is being treated in the high court.
Realize it or not, the effect of plagiarism is big. If these people who do plagiarism then become public officer, the systemic destroy is waiting for this country. Let’s start from now on, start from ourselves to try hard to become creative and not to do plagiarism. As Mahatma Gandhi said, Be the Change You Want to See in the World.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

UKG- Uji Kompetensi Guru

UKG – Uji Kompetensi Guru Apa sih UKG atau Uji Kompetensi guru itu? UKG adalah salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi guru. hal ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di indonesia dan sekaligus profesionalisme dari guru itu sendiri. Menurut Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Soal Uji Kompetensi Guru 2012 kali ini akan meliputi 30 Persen pedagogik dan 70 persen Profesional.

I'tibar Surat Asy-Syuaraa

Didua ayat ini pada surat Asy-Syuaraa ayat 88-89 dinyatakan dengan sangat jelas bahwa harta dan anak2 yang selama ini merupakan 2 hal didalam kehidupan yang selalu kita bangga-bangga kan tidak berguna sama sekali ketika kita mati. Adapun diayat selanjutnya ayat 89 diterangkan kembali dengan jelas bahwa yang berguna untuk dibawa menghadap allah yaitu bikolbi salim yaitu hati yang bersih. Salah satu ciri hati yang bersih itu adalah ikhlas.

I'tibar Surat An-Nahl

Intisari surat an-Nahl terdapat pada potongan ayat 36 ini. Bahwa pada setiap umat sebelum umat nabi Muhammad telah dikirimkan rosul satu atau dua orang ditiap umat. Jumlah rosul ini (1 atau 2) tergantung kepada tingkat “kerusakan”yang ada pada umat tersebut. Jumlah nabi dan rosul itu sudah dipastikan lebih dari ribuan orang, hanya saja yang disebutkan didalam alquran hanya ada 25 nabi dan rosul saja.
Nabi dan Rosul itu mempunyai misi yang sama yaitu: mengajak kepada kaum dimana mereka diutus untuk menyembah kepada Allah swt dan menjauhi thaghut.
Thaghut yang dimaksud pada ayat ini ada 4 macam; yaitu: 
1. Berhala, 
2. Setan, 
3. Dukun, 
4. Pemimpin yang zalim. 
Nah disetiap umat pasti ada yang menerima hidayah sehingga mengikuti seruan nabi dan rasul yang diutus tersebut tetapi ada juga yang tidak. Diakhir ayat ini kemudian kita diminta untuk pergi keliling dunia dan belajar memperhatikan bagaimana nasib umat2 terdahulu yang mendustakan rosul2 tesebut. Contohnya apa yang terjadi dengan umatnya nabi Nuh,, nabi lut, dsb

Applied Method

Applying the Jigsaw Method in Teaching Writing of Descriptive Texts in 7 State Senior High School of Depok

By: Erwan, S.Pd an English Teacher at SMA Negeri 7 Depok

English has the main courses which students have to be capable with such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. Writing is one of the important courses in the English lesson especially for senior high school students. According to teacher’s guideline, writing courses in senior high school are classified into writing descriptive text, narrative text, report text, recount text, analytical exposition text, etc. The teachers are supposed to have brilliant methods to help the students easily organize the ideas in order to pass the writing courses. One of the methods that can be accomplished in writing course especially in teaching descriptive texts is called jigsaw. Jigsaw is defined as a kind of cooperative learning technique which has a grouping strategy where the members of the class are organized into “home” group. The students are then reorganized into "expert" groups containing one or two member(s) from each “home” group. In this way the students discuss the material (teacher’s hand made material descriptive text about Rhoma Irama). By using the jigsaw method, the students can efficiently learn how to write descriptive texts in the form of peer-teaching. The purpose of this essay is to underscore the implementation of the jigsaw method; grouping, sharing and writing.
To start this method, we deal with the grouping step. In this step the students will have dependent activities. The class activities are mostly conducted by the teacher which causes the students being passive in the class. However, in this method, students are divided into small groups to share the material taught without being interrupted by the teacher. The teacher only appears to divide them into “home” group and “expert” group. “Home” group means the original group where the students are given the various topics toward the material that is explained. For example, the teacher divides the class into 8 groups consisting of 5 - 6 students with one title of descriptive text topic, Rhoma Irama. In this “home” group, teacher gives each member a different clue. The teacher gives the pictures that symbolize Identification, Description 1, and Description 2 which are the generic structure of the descriptive text (actually the structure is only consisted of identification and description but since it is necessary to have 3 structure so the teacher initiated to divide the descriptive text into 3 structures). Then, the teacher reorganizes each of the group members to gather discussing the pictures related to the topic given in the “expert” group. When the teacher gives 3 topics as our example, there are also 3 “expert” groups. This activity obviously aims to gain the students participation as well. This activity apparently enables the students to increase their self-esteem in writing descriptive texts. As a proof, the writer did this method and it shows that students in SMA Negeri 7 Depok can easily comprehend the material while they are divided into groups because they learn without being forced by the teacher.
The next step of this teaching method is the sharing step. As soon as they all have got their duties, they move to the “expert” group. The students will enjoy their turn to tell their pictures and shares to other friends in the “expert” group. They feel free to express their ideas about the pictures with their friends in the “expert” group. Here, they are given a chance to talk about the pictures and share their opinion in order to be able to report what they have been discussed to the “home” group. For instance, student 1 is assigned to the Identification where the picture has Rhoma Irama photo, his date of birth, original name, address and family. Student 2 deals with the description 1 which the picture given was a photo of Rhoma Irama with details description on his appearance, attitude and several questions that aim to lead the students into the paragraph of description of Rhoma Irama physical appearance. Student 3 gets the description 2 which is the description of Rhoma Irama career. Many researchers prove that this kind of sharing in using jigsaw method can improve the ability of students in writing genre based text, because by sharing the students can get the ideas of the story easily. The writer believes that sharing in jigsaw can help students to make their ideas of writing descriptive text run smoothly.
The last step is writing. In this step, the students are motivated to write and work together to describe pictures that have been discussed in the “expert” group. After they finished discussing in the “expert” group, they need to come back to the “home” group. In the “home” group they share about what they have got from the “expert” group and combine the each story into a complete story. The each part of the generic structure becomes one unit of descriptive text in the “home” group. In the writing step they are appointed to write down the result of the discussion in the “expert” group. The three students combine the identification, description 1 about physical appearance and the description 2 about career that they got to be written as a descriptive text. At last the students arrange the three different generic structures into one whole text and present it in front of the class.                                                         
In a brief, we can simply say this essay that the jigsaw method can be applied in teaching writing of descriptive texts that is sequenced into three steps, which are grouping, sharing and writing. These three steps are actually part of one great method provided by the teacher to decrease the cases beyond students in senior high school that mostly have difficulties in writing courses.